5 reasons investors choose ARCUS

Combined 70 years of successful real estate investing.

Investments are valued using conservative current and projected market values.

ARCUS is able to quickly evaluate various types of real estate investment opportunities.

Because of a conservative approach, higher yields are realized.

Once an investment is acquired, its yield is already established.
ARCUS determined the most profitable investment strategy in the current real estate economy is to acquire REO inventory and defaulted loans at significant discounts from the largest and most respected banks in the United States and other countries. ARCUS has established strong buying relationships with:
+ JP Morgan Chase Bank
+ Bank of America
+ CapitalSource Funding
+ Wells Fargo
ARCUS endeavors to create each investment’s yield upon the acquisition of the asset. The moment an investment is acquired, the investment objectives have been met and are realized upon the disposition of the asset. ARCUS’ investors have Immediate Equity upon the purchase of a property.
The main reasons banks sell defaulted notes and REO properties include: (a) Foreclosure and REO processes are not in their business model; (b) They are required to maintain reserve funds on hand as regulated by the FDIC; and (c) Most Importantly, note sales return profits to the bank due to write downs in prior years.
ARCUS prefers to buy from large national and world banks over community banks. Relationships – which ARCUS has already established – with large national and world banks are significantly harder to form so there is limited competition. This opens the door to larger portfolios of notes and properties resulting in higher returns.
Additionally, ARCUS forms relationships with the most advantageous members of the real estate community leading to the best real estate investments available in the marketplace.